Ties with Sir Patrick Moore
Sir Patrick Moore was a big influence on Andy Lawes and was Patron of ESAS until his death in 2012. Patrick would invite Andy and members down to his house and hold meetings in his garden. We were privallaged enough to use Patricks telescopes as well.
Astronomy and lighting
Although the ideal place to see faint objects in the night sky would be in the country side with no light pollution, Good astronomy can still be undertaken when you are looking at bright objects. Here on Bexhill sea front over 400 people managed to see four bright planets, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. The expression on some of the peoples faces was magic, along with many ooh my god, thats fantastic and WOW!

Next Steps…
For an experience of a life time call now, and experience the wonders of the Universe with your awn hired Astronomer Andy Lawes FRAS Call Now