Upcoming Events – Please see our Facebook page for full events! astronomyadventuresuk
7th September ESAS meeting. Dr David Whitehouse author ‘The Alien Perspective’ Egerton Park Indoor Bowls Club 7:30 for 8pm start
16th September St Matthews Gardens St Leonards, Observing in the Gardens
23rd September International Astronomy Day at The Old Bathing Station Cafe, Bexhill Seafront from 4pm Viewing The Moon and then when darkness falls Saturn!
5th October ESAS meeting. Ian Ridpath author and presenter. Egerton Park Indoor Bowls Club 7:30 for 8pm start
October 7th Viewing at St Matthews Gardens, St Leonards (weather Permitting
21st October International Observe the Moon Night! Observers around the world Observe the Moon together! The Old Bathing Station Cafe Bexhill.
Eclipse Visibility from the United Kingdom | Visibility Worldwide |
Apr 8, 2024 Partial Solar Eclipse | Total Solar Eclipse |
Sep 18, 2024 Partial Lunar Eclipse | Partial Lunar Eclipse |
Mar 14, 2025 Total Lunar Eclipse | Total Lunar Eclipse |
Mar 29, 2025 Partial Solar Eclipse |
Competition Fantastic opportunity to Win a rock from space!
Win a fantastic Presentation Meteor, a rock from space that is over 4.6 Billion years Old!
To win go to www.facebook.com/astronomyadventuresuk/ like our page and you will be entered into the draw, get your friends to like it and increase your chance to win!
Partial Eclipse of the Sun
Tuesday 25th October 10am – 12 Noon at The Old Bathing Station, De La Warr Parade, Bexhill
The Moon will pass in front of the Sun, creating a partial eclipse of the Sun visible from Africa, Asia, Europe, Greenland and Guernsey between 10:00 and 12:01 BST.
From Bexhill-on-Sea, the Sun will be eclipsed to a maximum of 14%
Like all astronomical events this is dependant on the weather!
Go to Our Facebook page www.facebook.com/astronomyadventuresuk/ For the latest updates!
Quadrantid meteor shower Peak 3rd January 2022
The Quadrantid meteor shower will be active from 12 December to 12 January, producing its peak rate of meteors around 3 January.
Over this period, there will be a chance of seeing Quadrantid meteors whenever the shower’s radiant point – in the constellation Bootes – is above the horizon, with the number of visible meteors increasing the higher the radiant point is in the sky.
From Bexhill-on-Sea the radiant point is circumpolar, which means it is always above the horizon and the shower will be active throughout the night.
The radiant point culminates (is highest in the sky) after dawn – at around 08:00 GMT – and so the shower is likely produce its best displays shortly before dawn, when its radiant point is highest.
At this time, the Earth’s rotation turns Bexhill-on-Sea to face optimally towards the direction of the incoming meteors, maximising the number that rain vertically downwards, producing short trails close to the radiant point. At other times, there will be fewer meteors burning up over Bexhill-on-Sea, but those that do will tend to enter the atmosphere at an oblique angle, producing long-lived meteors that may traverse a wide area of the sky before completely burning up.
The shower is expected to reach peak activity at around 22:00 GMT on 3 January 2022.
Observing prospects
At its peak, the shower is expected to produce a nominal rate of around 120 meteors per hour (ZHR). However, this zenithal hourly rate is calculated assuming a perfectly dark sky and that the radiant of the shower is situated directly overhead. In practice, any real observing sight will fall short of these ideal conditions. The number of meteors you are likely to see is thus lower than this, and can be estimated using the ZHR formula.
From Bexhill-on-Sea, the radiant of the shower will appear at a peak altitude of 79° above your horizon, and on the basis of this, we estimate that you may be able to see up to 117 meteors per hour at the shower’s peak.
The shower will peak close to new moon, and so moonlight will present minimal interference.
Near Space Balloon Launch in aid of Jack Jeffreys Superhero Trust

Current weather conditions have not been favourable for the launch of the Near Space Balloon We are supporting a Charity called Jack Jeffreys Superhero Trust and donations can be given from this link ;
The Near Space Balloon launch will carry one of Jacks Teddy Bears in to Near Space! This is an on line event and will be streamed live – Launch conditions have to be good, with clear skies and not much wind! Astronomy Adventures has set itself a target to launch a Balloon to Near Space and get some amazing pictures of the Earth’s curvature viewing the Earth and clouds below.
Follow our progress here by liking and following Astronomy Adventures. Watch our live broadcast of the launch and follow its progress over the duration – The payload will need to be recovered before pictures can be viewed !
Please remember to social distance if watching from the Polegrove! Date to be arranged.
Perseid Meteor Watch August 12th in aid of Brownbread Horse Rescue!
Thursday August 12th from 5pm – Venue Brownbread Horse Rescue, Brownbread Street, Ashburnham East Sussex TN33 9NX
This is a ticket Event if you cant come please donate on the ticket site to a worthy cause – https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/astronomy-adventures
Many thanks for purchasing tickets to help support Brownbread Horse Rescue. All is looking well for a great evening, here is the Itinerary for the day.
Don’t forget to collect your Free Sky Map and Astronomy Adventures Discount voucher! Some binoculars are also available to hire on the night!
Contact telephone Number for the evening 079 2345 8516
Arrival time 5pm onwards
Car parking is in the field to the left as you enter Brownbread!
Follow signs to Event Lawns
Late Afternoon & Early evening what to do!
Croquet on the lawn
Solar System Walk around the grounds of Brownbread.
For the Kids Fizzy bottle rocket making
Bowls on the lawn
Paper quiz, colouring and word search
As it gets Dark
A look at the Moon through telescopes
Venus through the telescopes
9:30pm Talk and presentation by Andy Lawes (All to attend)
10:00 am Group laser tours of the night sky (Please book your group on arrival)
Find your spot to settle down and watch the night sky for The Perseids.
Don’t forget to ask to hold a real meteorite! (Ask how old it is)
Weather is looking Good!
Partial Eclipse of the Sun THURSDAY, 10 JUNE 2021 FROM 10:00 UTC+01-12:30
Come and view the partial Eclipse from Bexhill promenade through Astronomy Adventures Solar Telescopes at The Old Bathing Station Bexhill. Large screen viewing too. (Weather dependant) This event is suitable for all ages and abilities!

National Astronomy Week
In autumn 2020, Mars makes a close approach to Earth, and it won’t be as close again until 2035. We’ll be holding a National Astronomy Week to make sure that as many people as possible get a chance to see Mars through a telescope, and to find out about the exciting space missions to the planet.
The week will be Saturday 14 November to Sunday 22 November. During this week, Mars will be easily visible through telescopes in the evening sky, as well as Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon. Astronomers up and down the UK will be holding observing sessions with their telescopes, and we’ll be listing them on this website.
https://astronomyweek.org.uk/World Space week 4th -10th October What is World Space Week? World Space Week is an international celebration of science and technology, and their contribution to the betterment of the human condition.
The United Nations General Assembly declared in 1999 that World Space Week will be held each year from October 4-10. These dates commemorate two events:
- October 4, 1957: Launch of the first human-made Earth satellite, Sputnik 1, thus opening the way for space exploration
- October 10, 1967: The signing of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.
Where and how is World Space Week celebrated?
World Space Week consists of space education and outreach events held by space agencies, aerospace companies, schools, planetaria, museums, and astronomy clubs around the world in a common timeframe. These synchronized space events attract greater public and media attention. World Space Week 2017 achieved record scale:
- more than 4,000 events
- Events in 82 nations
Total audience since 2007:
- Over 2,000,000 attendees
- Nearly 500,000,000 media impressions
World Space Week is coordinated by the United Nations with the support of the World Space Week Association (WSWA). The WSWA leads a global team of National Coordinators, who promote the celebration of World Space Week within their own countries.
What are the goals of World Space Week?
- Provide unique leverage in space outreach and education
- Educate people around the world about the benefits that they receive from space
- Encourage greater use of space for sustainable economic development
- Demonstrate public support for space programs
- Excite young people about science, technology, engineering, and math
- Foster international cooperation in space outreach and education
Near Space Balloon Launch Date TBA
We are supporting a Charity called Jack Jeffreys Superhero Trust and donations can be given from this link ;
The Near Space Balloon launch will carry one of Jacks Teddy Bears in to Near Space!
This is an on line event and will be streamed live – Launch conditions have to be good, with clear skies and not much wind! So could be delayed on the day!
Astronomy Adventures has set itself a target to launch a Balloon to Near Space and get some amazing pictures of the Earth’s curvature.
Follow our progress here by liking and following Astronomy Adventures.
Watch our live broadcast of the launch and follow its progress over the duration – The payload will need to be recovered before pictures can be viewed !
Events Completed
Sept 26th Mon 16:30
International Observe the Moon Day
On Line event – Weather beat us this time Cloud and Rain!
AUG 31st
Cancelled due to Covid-19
Day of Astronomy Bexhill 100 at The PoleGrove Bexhill
Mon 09:00 · 16:00
21 Apr–24 Apr
APR 22nd -29th Wed 11am- 9pmFree Live Planetarium shows from Science Zone check out FB Page
APR 23
Lyrid Meteor Shower next three days
(From your Garden)
11 Aug–13 Aug
Perseid Meteor Watch From your back garden!
10:30 pm till early hours
APR 15th- 16thThree Planets and Moon in the morning sky
De La Warr Pavillion
APR 5th Sunday 17:00
Astronomy Adventures Talk & Observing Cancelled due to Covid-19 at Hooe Church
MAR 27th
Cancelled School Closed Due to Covid-19
Astronomy Adventures Fizzy bottle rocket making and launch
To be rescheduled
MAR 13th Fri 17:00
An evening under the stars at Polegate Primary School
With Astronomy Adventures Telescopes and talk
MAR 7th Sat 12:00
Bexhill Youth Science Fair Hosted by RVA
Supported by
Astronomy Adventures Bexhill
FEB 11
1st Ninfield Cubs Astronomers Activity Badge
Tue 18:00 · by Astronomy Adventures
Ninfield Memorial Hall
JAN 27
Neptune, Venus, Crescent Moon & The ISS
Mon 17:00 · by Astronomy Adventures
The Old Bathing Station – Stella’s Bexhill
Tuesday 14th January St Richards Catholic College Night under the stars.
Monday 13th January Bexhill 1:30
Tuesday 14th January St Richards Catholic College Night under the stars.
A rare transit of Mercury across the face of the Sun is visible from the UK on 11 November 2019. Mercury starts to move across the face of the Sun around 12:30 pm and continues throughout the afternoon, leaving the disc after sunset as seen from the UK.
This event will be held at The Old Bathing Station Café, De La Warr Parade, Bexhill from Midday till late.
Astronomy Adventures will be hosting a Free Event. International Observe the Moon Night is a worldwide celebration of lunar science and exploration held annually since 2010. One day each year, everyone on Earth is invited to observe and learn about the Moon together, and to celebrate the cultural and personal connections we all have with our nearest neighbour.
The event occurs in October, when the Moon is around first quarter. A first quarter Moon is visible in the afternoon and evening, a convenient time for most hosts and participants. Furthermore, the best lunar observing is typically along the dusk/dawn terminator, where shadows are the longest, rather than at full Moon.
This event will be held at The Old Bathing Station Café, De La Warr Parade, Bexhill from 6pm till late.
Monday 26th August 2019
Bexhill 100 Classic Car Show at The Polegrove, Richmond Road, Bexhill has been a regular feature in August. For the last 18 years Andy Lawes FRAS from Astronomy Adventures has been supporting the show. – www.bexhillhorseshow.co.uk
* Come and see the Sun in Hydrogen Alpha (Displaying Prominences on the edge of the Sun.
* Sunspots in white light, through our Solar telescopes.
* Come and get advice/purchase an astronomical telescope.
* Free star Chart for May for every visitor to our stall.
* Come and see a real Meteorite..
* Find out about Astronomy Adventures Star Parties and How to Book one.
* Astronomy Adventures Also gives talks and observing sessions to Schools, Clubs, Societies, Badges for Guides, Cubs, Scouts.
* So come along and have a chat and hold one of the Oldest things in our Universe.
* Have a selfie with Flat Buzz Aldrin or Flat Tim Peake.
Saturday 20th July 2019
‘One Giant Leap for Mankind’ Big celebration of 50 years of Man landing on the Moon (free event) at St Richards Catholic College.
FB Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/337870633729189/
Monday 27th May 2019 (Bank Holiday Monday)
Bexhill Horse Show, has been a regular feature in May. For the last 18 years Andy Lawes FRAS from Astronomy Adventures has been supporting the show. – www.bexhillhorseshow.co.uk
* Come and see the Sun in Hydrogen Alpha (Displaying Prominences on the edge of the Sun.
* Sunspots in white light, through our Solar telescopes.
* Come and get advice/purchase an astronomical telescope.
* Free star Chart for May for every visitor to our stall.
* Come and see a real Meteorite..
* Find out about Astronomy Adventures Star Parties and How to Book one.
* Astronomy Adventures Also gives talks and observing sessions to Schools, Clubs, Societies, Badges for Guides, Cubs, Scouts.
* So come along and have a chat and hold one of the Oldest things in our Universe.
Friday 15th March 2019
Guestling Primary School, 3 talks and viewing through telescopes and binoculars.
Friday 22nd February 2019
Pestalozzi School, Observing with students from Nepal.
Friday 15th February 2019
Rye Cubs Astronomy badge, to include observing if clear.
Wednesday 13th February 2019
Private Star Party for Rhona, Laser tour of the constellations, evening Planets, Moon, Orion, nebula and open clusters
Thursday 17th January 2019
Private Star Party to celebrate Maude’s 92nd Birthday. Such a wonderful time with some of her friends viewing planets, nebulas and new star birth.
Tuesday 15th January 2019
St Richards Catholic College Drop in session
Monday 14th January 2019
Talk – Rocket Making – Launch Rockets – Star Gazing
The Gattons Infant School Burgess Hill
Thursday January 3rd 2019
Private Star Party – Bexhill
Celebrating Johns Birthday with a Stargazing Party, fantastic viewing
Monday 5th November 2018
Astronomy Adventures is at Team Up Bexhill STEM Club at Pebsham Community Centre, 70 Seabourne Rd, Bexhill. The OSC will have their Planetarium with several shows taking place. Astronomy Adventures will be making rockets and launching them, showing the launch of a Saturn V rocket that took Men to the Moon. Hold a meteorite that is older than the Earth. All attending will get a free sky diary.
Monday 29th October 2018
Astronomy Adventures is at Team Up Bexhill STEM Club at All Saints Church Hall, Sidley. The OSC will have their Planetarium with several shows taking place.
Tuesday 16th October 2018
Astronomy Adventures is at Team Up Bexhill STEM Club at St Martha’s Church, Little Common. The OSC will have their Planetarium with several shows taking place.
Monday 8th October 2018
Astronomy Adventures is at Team Up Bexhill STEM Club at The Hive, St Leonards Road, Bexhill. (No Planetarium)
14th September 19:30 – 23:00 at The old Bathing Hut, De La Warr Parade, Bexhill.
Come and View; The Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and a Comet!
The sights will give you the WOW factor through our large telescopes.
You will see Craters on the Moon, The four Galilean moons of Jupiter its equatorial belts. You will see the beautiful rings of Saturn and at least one of its moons, you will see Mars, its red colour and maybe some surface detail. Also one of the outer planets Neptune.
View 4 Planets, The Moon and a Comet if the weather is good. Telescopes will be by the Old Bathing Station Café Bexhill Promenade De La Warr Parade, Bexhill TN40 1LB till late. You will see Jupiter low in the West, Saturn with its beautiful rings, Mars bright red Orange in colour now getting further away from us, Neptune a far distant Gas giant that can be seen in binoculars, and a Comet deep in the depths of our Solar System. Its all free and get your latest Free star map for September. Will not take place if Clear Friday night.
Monday, 27 August 2018 from 10:00-17:00 The Polgrove, Bexhill
Come and talk to Astronomy Adventures at The Bexhill 100 Car Show Monday 27th from 10pm on at The Polegrove Bexhill.
Come and look at The Sun (Safley)
Come and hold a meteorite (older than the Earth)
Look through some of our Telescopes
Learn about what you can see in the Night Sky in August/September
Come and make a rocket and Launch it.
Get your Free Star map
Thursday, 2 August 2018 from 20:30-23:00
Free Event Suitable for all ages
Come and see four Planets with your own eyes through Large Telescopes on Bexhill Promenade Near The Old Bathing Station Cafe, De La Warr Parade, Bexhill TN40 1LB from 8:30pm
Come and View (weather permitting, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars all will be in view. The sights will give you the WOW factor through our large telescopes.
On Thursday the weather forecast looks good for observing, you will see four moons of Jupiter and its equatorial belts. You will see the beautiful rings of Saturn and at least one of its moons you will see Mars, its red colour and maybe some surface detail. Mars is at its closest approach to Earth since
Friday, 27 July 2018 from 20:00-23:00 at The Old Bathing Hut, De La Warr Parade, Bexhill.
Come and View a Total Eclipse of the Moon (weather permitting, also Jupiter Saturn and Mars all will be in view. The sights will give you the WOW factor through large telescopes.
You will see the Moon Blood red rise above the horizon, you will see the moons of Jupiter and its equatorial belts. You will see The beautiful rings of Saturn and on Mars its red colour and maybe some surface detail. Mars is at its closest approach since 2003.
Friday, 22 June 2018 from 19:00-21:00
Talk to members of Bexhill 100 Motoring club, at Egerton Park Indoor Bowls Club. An insight into the wonders of the universe and what can be seen in the Night Sky.
Saturday 21st April 18:30 – 22:00
Astronomy Night “ Observing from the Grave”, talk and observing if clear Wartling Church, BN27 1RY on Saturday 21st April 7pm
Join us for wine and a homemade two course supper and learn more about the Wonders of the night sky from our local astronomer Andy Lawes FRAS.
Tickets available in advance £8 Adults – £4 Children – Family ticket £20
Further information and tickets from Reverend Richard Steven 01323 833124
All proceeds go towards the renovation and maintenance of St Mary Magdalene Church Wartling.
Book your tickets :
Email your Name & address and how many tickets you require for what talk;
Upcoming Events
Monday 26th August 2019
Bexhill 100 Classic Car Show at The Polegrove, Richmond Road, Bexhill has been a regular feature in August. For the last 18 years Andy Lawes FRAS from Astronomy Adventures has been supporting the show. – www.bexhillhorseshow.co.uk
* Come and see the Sun in Hydrogen Alpha (Displaying Prominences on the edge of the Sun.
* Sunspots in white light, through our Solar telescopes.
* Come and get advice/purchase an astronomical telescope.
* Free star Chart for May for every visitor to our stall.
* Come and see a real Meteorite..
* Find out about Astronomy Adventures Star Parties and How to Book one.
* Astronomy Adventures Also gives talks and observing sessions to Schools, Clubs, Societies, Badges for Guides, Cubs, Scouts.
* So come along and have a chat and hold one of the Oldest things in our Universe.
* Have a selfie with Flat Buzz Aldrin or Flat Tim Peake.
‘One Giant Leap for Mankind’ Big celebration of 50 years of Man landing on the Moon (free event) at St Richards Catholic College.
FB Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/337870633729189/
Monday 27th May 2019 (Bank Holiday Monday)
Bexhill Horse Show, has been a regular feature in May. For the last 18 years Andy Lawes FRAS from Astronomy Adventures has been supporting the show. – www.bexhillhorseshow.co.uk
* Come and see the Sun in Hydrogen Alpha (Displaying Prominences on the edge of the Sun.
* Sunspots in white light, through our Solar telescopes.
* Come and get advice/purchase an astronomical telescope.
* Free star Chart for May for every visitor to our stall.
* Come and see a real Meteorite..
* Find out about Astronomy Adventures Star Parties and How to Book one.
* Astronomy Adventures Also gives talks and observing sessions to Schools, Clubs, Societies, Badges for Guides, Cubs, Scouts.
* So come along and have a chat and hold one of the Oldest things in our Universe.
Events Completed
Friday 15th March 2019
Guestling Primary School, 3 talks and viewing through telescopes and binoculars.
Friday 22nd February 2019
Pestalozzi School, Observing with students from Nepal.
Friday 15th February 2019
Rye Cubs Astronomy badge, to include observing if clear.
Wednesday 13th February 2019
Private Star Party for Rhona, Laser tour of the constellations, evening Planets, Moon, Orion, nebula and open clusters
Thursday 17th January 2019
Private Star Party to celebrate Maude’s 92nd Birthday. Such a wonderful time with some of her friends viewing planets, nebulas and new star birth.
Tuesday 15th January 2019
St Richards Catholic College Drop in session
Monday 14th January 2019
Talk – Rocket Making – Launch Rockets – Star Gazing
The Gattons Infant School Burgess Hill
Thursday January 3rd 2019
Private Star Party – Bexhill
Celebrating Johns Birthday with a Stargazing Party, fantastic viewing
Monday 5th November 2018
Astronomy Adventures is at Team Up Bexhill STEM Club at Pebsham Community Centre, 70 Seabourne Rd, Bexhill. The OSC will have their Planetarium with several shows taking place. Astronomy Adventures will be making rockets and launching them, showing the launch of a Saturn V rocket that took Men to the Moon. Hold a meteorite that is older than the Earth. All attending will get a free sky diary.
Monday 29th October 2018
Astronomy Adventures is at Team Up Bexhill STEM Club at All Saints Church Hall, Sidley. The OSC will have their Planetarium with several shows taking place.
Tuesday 16th October 2018
Astronomy Adventures is at Team Up Bexhill STEM Club at St Martha’s Church, Little Common. The OSC will have their Planetarium with several shows taking place.
Monday 8th October 2018
Astronomy Adventures is at Team Up Bexhill STEM Club at The Hive, St Leonards Road, Bexhill. (No Planetarium)
14th September 19:30 – 23:00 at The old Bathing Hut, De La Warr Parade, Bexhill.
Come and View; The Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and a Comet!
The sights will give you the WOW factor through our large telescopes.
You will see Craters on the Moon, The four Galilean moons of Jupiter its equatorial belts. You will see the beautiful rings of Saturn and at least one of its moons, you will see Mars, its red colour and maybe some surface detail. Also one of the outer planets Neptune.
View 4 Planets, The Moon and a Comet if the weather is good. Telescopes will be by the Old Bathing Station Café Bexhill Promenade De La Warr Parade, Bexhill TN40 1LB till late. You will see Jupiter low in the West, Saturn with its beautiful rings, Mars bright red Orange in colour now getting further away from us, Neptune a far distant Gas giant that can be seen in binoculars, and a Comet deep in the depths of our Solar System. Its all free and get your latest Free star map for September. Will not take place if Clear Friday night.
Monday, 27 August 2018 from 10:00-17:00 The Polgrove, Bexhill
Come and talk to Astronomy Adventures at The Bexhill 100 Car Show Monday 27th from 10pm on at The Polegrove Bexhill.
Come and look at The Sun (Safley)
Come and hold a meteorite (older than the Earth)
Look through some of our Telescopes
Learn about what you can see in the Night Sky in August/September
Come and make a rocket and Launch it.
Get your Free Star map
Thursday, 2 August 2018 from 20:30-23:00
Free Event Suitable for all ages
Come and see four Planets with your own eyes through Large Telescopes on Bexhill Promenade Near The Old Bathing Station Cafe, De La Warr Parade, Bexhill TN40 1LB from 8:30pm
Come and View (weather permitting, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars all will be in view. The sights will give you the WOW factor through our large telescopes.
On Thursday the weather forecast looks good for observing, you will see four moons of Jupiter and its equatorial belts. You will see the beautiful rings of Saturn and at least one of its moons you will see Mars, its red colour and maybe some surface detail. Mars is at its closest approach to Earth since
Friday, 27 July 2018 from 20:00-23:00 at The Old Bathing Hut, De La Warr Parade, Bexhill.
Come and View a Total Eclipse of the Moon (weather permitting, also Jupiter Saturn and Mars all will be in view. The sights will give you the WOW factor through large telescopes.
You will see the Moon Blood red rise above the horizon, you will see the moons of Jupiter and its equatorial belts. You will see The beautiful rings of Saturn and on Mars its red colour and maybe some surface detail. Mars is at its closest approach since 2003.
Friday, 22 June 2018 from 19:00-21:00
Talk to members of Bexhill 100 Motoring club, at Egerton Park Indoor Bowls Club. An insight into the wonders of the universe and what can be seen in the Night Sky.
Saturday 21st April 18:30 – 22:00
Astronomy Night “ Observing from the Grave”, talk and observing if clear Wartling Church, BN27 1RY on Saturday 21st April 7pm
Join us for wine and a homemade two course supper and learn more about the Wonders of the night sky from our local astronomer Andy Lawes FRAS.
Tickets available in advance £8 Adults – £4 Children – Family ticket £20
Further information and tickets from Reverend Richard Steven 01323 833124
All proceeds go towards the renovation and maintenance of St Mary Magdalene Church Wartling.